The Soleil show @ AG3/Angelgate Arts promises to be very interesting; the roster of artists assembled by White Lebed is nothing short of a Who's Who of fine SL artists:
GARY KOHIME - The Future of Color
SPIRAL WALCHER - Beyone Violet Symphony
COLEMARIE SOLEIL - The Watcher, Where are You
SAIWUN YOSHIKAWA - 3 Strip_Multi_15/15/2009_sou
SPECIAL JEWELL - Terra Egypta 2, Terra Egypta 3, Terra Egypta 4, Terra Egypta 1
PIXELS SIDEWAYS - AG-F-Summer in the City - Pixel
FILTHY FLUNO - Filthy Complete, #1/3 AngelGate
CORCOSMAN VOOM - In The Sunshine In The Rain
MORGANA NAGORSKI - Glowing, Alone, Wearing Violator, She Hasn't Come Out To Play For Such A Long Time, Feathered
XENOPHILE NEUROCAM - Xenophile Neurocam - dendrite.potential
POID MAHOVLICH - Solen til jorden
BF2 SHEPHERD - Isis Egyptian Goddess WW Fountains
BLUNT FHANG - 1-09-08m black
CHARLES ROSENTHAL - Soleil Charles Rosenthal v.2
FEATHERS BOA - Sand, Sea, Sun (3D)
YABUSAKA LOON - <> Sculpture " Yin Yang"
NESSUNO MYOO - MechanicalKnight
WHITE LEBED - If an Art Gallery could dream about a summer vacation...
SUNN THUNDERS - Fusion Sculpture, 6/2009
ZHORA MAYNARD - Mirror by Zhora Maynard
SASUN STEINBECK - Texture Picker 1 Prim, Morph Sculpture v14
KOLOR FALL - Chromosphere
DOROTHY URVILAN - "Take me back to the garden of love"
TALIA TOKUGAWA - Soleil Renaissance
SOROR NISHI - sorors branch
UB YIFU - Sun's birth
SOLKIDE AUER - Mi ritorni in mente.
SAPPHORIA SHILOVA - "can only dream of Soleil", "worship the idea of Soleil", "C'est Moi Soleil"
*MISO SUSANOWA - The Alchemist's Table
STARHEART ERDHEIN - Star Portal, Wings of Promise, Chariot of Ra
ADAM RAMONA - Stella Sonice
GLYPH GRAVES - Memories of Summer
LUCE LAVAL - AngelGate dancing Sun
The Grand Opening is Saturday, July 11 @ 10am SLT.
"We will enjoy a very special performance by AldoManutio Abruzzo, an amazing professional musician (Dennis Moser in RL) known for his music improvisations." Aldo will only play for ONE HOUR so be sure to get there early for a seat! Following Aldo will be Edward Kyomoon playing from 11-12SLT so again, get there early for a seat, because this show opening is sure to be heavily attended!
*ignore me, i'm nobody ^_^
(however, I am both flattered and pleased that White chose to use a graphic that i had put together to illustrate a teleport-board idea as the main graphic for this show)
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The July 4th party at Kelly Yap's Gallery for the Water show was a fun-filled festival of exploding attachments and fireworks courtesy of Kelly, who has put together an amazing artwork/gallery (the gallery being built anew for each show) to hold some beautiful pieces of work revolving around the theme of Water. One reviewer even said, "I thought this exhibition would be bland, the theme... but I am very surprised to see such interesting and varied interpretations." Go Kelly! ^_^
Everyone had fun, despite the efforts of "Cheery" Oh, who dropped in to do her usual focus-hogging (i am informed by her blog that this is called "acting/drama" uh huh ya) but was quickly ejected and spent a good hour sulking outside the land perimeter and begging for attention. Oh well ^_^
Water Exhibition at Kelly Yap Gallery through August 15th.
btw, the graphic for this poster is my piece "Radiant Stallions," named after a line in Patti Smith's 'Land' - "the waves were coming in like radiant stallions..."
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