Our Non-Euclidian build for the Second Life Burning Life festival. Make sure you take a gift pack/instruction pack and the notecards and HUDS available. The build is complex and multi-dimensional and can take up to 90 minutes to interact with. Of particular help will be the instructions for viewing/hearing the video through your SL viewer and through the video HUDS.
You can pick up a gift-and-notepack package by touching the small replica globe of the build at the landing point.
Be sure to have media/video enabled when exploring the build!!!
Thanks to Misprint Thursday for starting this whole thing with her "choral" sculpture and allowing me to be transported and inspired by it to create the first song i've done in 7 years :)
Thanks to White Lebed and Talia Tokugowa for belief, faith, support and nurturing of this project and this collaboration.
Thanks as always to the people who nurtured me, held me up and let me scream in frustration of doing the impossible -mapping hyperspace:
Goose Wycliffe - Sabrinaa Nightfire - Kelly Yap - Physeter Nicholls - Varian Altney - Marianne McCann - Artistide Despres
and to Parser Lane, who was kind enough to tweak his PL Magic Stairs for two days for me and Tesseract House - mmmwah! ^_^ You can pick up a copy of the PL Magic Stairs here:
SLurl: Parser Lane's store
More later, i am thrashed... esp from writing the explanations of quantum mechanics, information theory, DNA architecture and the Singularity :O
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