Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Birthday WWW!

"It was 20 years ago today/Sergeant Timmy thought the bandwidth play..."

Here is the original proposal to the 3Wc regarding the creation of a hypertext-linked World Wide Web from Nov. 1990.

It was exciting then and it's still exciting now, to realize how far we have come since then. All cheers and honors to Tim Berners-Lee for having a large hand in the world we experience today.In many ways it's as if the printing press, radio, telephones, telegraph and television had all happened at once instead of over a 400 year time span.

Who will be the visionary(s) that are spoken of in this way in 20 years for the birth of the Hyperverse? Stay tuned ^_^


sororNishi said...


Lalo Telling said...

So, the WWW is a Scorpio? That explains a lot ;)