Trill Zapatero curates this powerful exhibit at The Howard Zinn Center for Social Consciousness and the Arts on the Four Bridges Project sims.
The all-star lineup of contributing artists include Em Larsson, Drumstick Ah, Igor Ballyhoo, Oona Erin, Plot Tracer, Novia Halostar, Filthy Fluno, Chrome Underwood, Asmita Duranjaya, Pol Jarvinen, Larkworth Antfarm, Fiona Leitner, Mona Mendes, Aaron Hughes, Gamma Infinity, millay Freschi and Trill (and me) meditating on the themes of war and peace with powerfully-evocative builds, installations and paintings/graphics.
Trill's done an amazing build (most of the sim work is hers, and it is spectacular) as well as a gorgeous catalogue for the exhibition. You really have to see this sim-work to believe the amount of time and talent Trill has put into this. There are also some pretty-happening events in the lineup:
Scheduled Events
Saturday, April 16, 2011
12pm SLT: millay Freschi, opening remarks and a reading
12:30SLT: Open Mike Poetry Slam
6pmSLT: Meet the Artists
8pmSLT: Live music with Leo Voorhees, Costa Rican musician
Sunday, April 17, 2011
12pmSLT: Juniverse Stockholm and Medora Chevalier of "The Wall" fame
2pmSLT: Meet the Artists
3pmSLT: Mommaluv Skytower plays!
My own Theatre of War (installation version) is there [Flickr link].
1 comment:
I always experience uneasiness when I hear 'theater' in the same breath as 'war'. Yeah, I know that's a common phrase in military terms. But I thought you did a good job illustrating the uneasiness that I feel. And I'll mention the build itself - very interesting way to draw in your audience.
June Trefoil
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